Armed with the beautiful libccrtp I write a simple client/server program to get familiar with both the library and the protocol. I set up wireshark to monitor the transmission of data and after many mistakes I am finally able to send a file from the client to the server. Great success! I am now ready to drop this into my Android APK and finally get things going!

Except I’m not…

While getting familiarized with Android’s native development kit (NDK) I learn that I overlooked a pretty big flaw in my portability assessment: I need the c++ libraries built for each target triplet.

I find that my phone, an old piece of junk, runs on a 32bit ARM processor with hardfloat support. My brain defaults to “I need to compile libccrtp targetting ARMHF.” And that’s what I set out to do.

After an obscene amount of time trying to cross compile libccrtp, realizing that for this build to work I need all the dependancies also targetting ARMHF, trying to build libucommon from source, I finally came across an important finding:


Almost like a glitch in the matrix, I am back at the exact same place I was many, many hours ago, with only the small intellectual advance that I need to target ARM architecture. Still, progress is progress. Let’s download this:

$ sudo apt install libccrtp-dev:armhf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libccrtp-dev:armhf

WHAT? Ok, I need to add the architecture to dpkgs arch list. Fine, let’s do it:

$dpkg --add-architechture armhf

Awesome, now let’s get that library!

$ sudo apt install libccrtp-dev:armhf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libccrtp-dev:armhf

Hmm. Still nothing? Well, let me save you the headaches and frustrations…

After adding a new architecture to dpkg we need to update apt’s package list on and then apply the updates. To do this we just need to call:

apt update && apt upgrade

Now apt should have pulled the list of armhf packages, so we try, again:

$ sudo apt install libccrtp-dev:armhf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

Yes! It worked! We can verify by checking the contents of the package:

$ dpkg -L libccrtp-dev:armhf | grep

Ok, finally! I am ready! Watchout Android, here I come!